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All We’ve Got is Time

We are in an era of preservation. Of our natural resources. Of our environment. Of our relationships. Of our sense of self.

We want to hold on to what’s most important in life and let go of the things that are most trivial. We want to make the most out of every moment and live a life full of experiences that matter most.

We believe in the value of time as our only non-renewable resource. Time is precious. Time is a gift.

As a leader, we must not only believe in the value of time but we must invest it wisely.

This means not only do we need to prioritize and be selective with what we do, how we do it and who we do it with – but more importantly it means that we need to invest wisely in building the people around us setting them up to be our successors – and frankly our future bosses.

We also need to have a constant belief in giving back which as a leader especially includes investing in people the way that our leaders and mentors invested in us, or the way that we wish they had. That investment means we need to pay it forward and create a continuous circle of empowerment, especially as women supporting women working to rise up.

Time is our most valuable resource – invest in it wisely and do what matters most.

Thank you Avery Bang for the inspiration on time, life and leadership.

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