So many great words of wisdom to live by but so little time to really master them all.
Love one another as I have loved you
Good things come to those who wait
What goes around comes around
What you give is what you get
The true measure of a person is how they treat someone who can do them absolutely no good
Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come
And so many more…..
So when it comes to leadership and how to really stand out as an exemplary person, what really matters? How do you really rise up?
The answer lies in being genuine and true to the people around you – whether they work for you, with you, or you report to them. If you really look at people as people, really consider what is best for them, and how you can help them succeed – the rest will follow.
Certainly that doesn’t mean that it will be easy. But it will make a difference in their lives – and especially in yours.
Susan Johnson has been blessed time and time again with job opportunities thanks to her mentor, Rick. Rick saw true potential in Susan and recommended her for not one, not two, not even three, but four unique positions throughout her career. And because of that, Susan has invested heavily in her team and helped to support the careers of the people around her. That pay it forward attitude has multiplied over the years and has certainly made an impact on me.
Take a moment to reflect on your attitude for those around you. How are you helping people to advance the careers of your teammates? What can you to do to inspire others around you? How can you pay it forward?
Thank you to Susan Johnson for the real life example of people taking care of you in your career.